CONSIGNOR NUMBER: You will be assigned a consignor number. You can ask for your number at any time or we can look your up by your last name. You will need your consignor number to drop off items during future drop off appointments.
PROFIT: 30% cash or 40% store credit of the selling price. Due to our return policy, profits record 6 days after sale of an item. Once you choose the percent we cannot change it unless you clear out the account to zero.
A 3% credit card fee will be automatically deducted from your profit for items purchased by credit card.
PAYMENT: Payments can be picked up in the store during normal store hours (cash paid up to $20/check over $20). Checks written up to $300 per consignor per week.
Accounts that become inactive for over 9 months will have all profits converted to credit only. Store credit will expire once the account is inactive for over 1 year and your consignor account will be removed from our system without warning and any remaining balance will be donated to the charity of our choice.
LIABILITY: Items remain the property of the consignor and are not covered under the insurance policy of Cuddle Bugs. Cuddle Bugs assumes no liability for lost, damaged or stolen items. Please note that items do get stolen and while we do our best to prevent this, we will not compensate you if your items cannot be found at the end of the three months.
PRICING: All prices are determined by Cuddle Bugs. Items may be reduced or removed from the floor at any time. We are happy to discuss pricing with you if you have a price in mind.
UNSOLD ITEMS: If you want your unsold items back you must call for pick up at least 2 days in advance before the last day of your pick up month. You will be charged a 15 cent per item pulling fee. We do not return books. If you do not call by the end of the month your items become property of the store and may be sold or donated. We will not pull items after the 30th/31st of the month.
Items consigned MAY NOT be picked up before the consignment end month. Items picked up before the end month are subject to a fee of 10% of the list price of the item to be paid before pick up.
BRIDAL: Bridal gowns will stay on consignment for one year. Please contact us after one year if you'd like to pick up any unsold items. Please note that gowns will be available for customers to try on. We are not responsible for any damage that incurs while your gown is on consignment. Consign at your own risk!
Please retain this information! We will not contact you when your consignment period is up (three months after drop off).