Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc Costume Rental Agreement
Dancers who choose to perform and/or compete must do so in our school costume. While we don’t require either performing or competing, any dancer who chooses to do so MUST have a costume.
Instead of purchasing school dresses, vests, skirts, or belts, you may RENT the costume until you outgrow it or leave Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc. All Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc school dresses, vests, skirts, and belts are property of Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc.
This costume agreement covers the length of time that your dancer fits the costume so you will pay the rental fee only once (not yearly). You won’t need to get another costume until you outgrow your current one. When your dancer has outgrown their costume please inform Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc as soon as possible so that a determination can be made to either alter or replace the costume.
Dancers who bought a Breffny Irish Dancers costume prior to the opening of Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc:
You do not need to pay the costume rental fee. When you outgrow your current costume such that it cannot be altered, Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc will offer to purchase your costume from you at a discounted price, and then you will enter into a rental agreement for a costume that fits.
In a typical year, there are many opportunities to perform and compete. Renting a costume means that you plan to perform and make appearances for the school. The costume is only to be worn by current students of Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc. Loaning of the costume or use by a sibling will void this contract and the costume will need to be turned in. If the dancer leaves the school or is removed from the school the costume is to be returned within 10 days of the last class or removal. There is no refund of any rental fee due to leaving.
Alterations may be made to the costumes only by Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc.
You are responsible for the costs associated with all cleaning and general upkeep of the costume. Dry cleaning is recommended for dresses, vests, skirts, and belts. Do not dry clean sashes or headbands.
If you leave Scoil Rince Bréifne Ó Ruairc either permanently or for a “break”, the costume and ALL ACCESSORIES must be returned with the dry cleaning ticket attached. If you return a costume without cleaning it, you will be charged the cleaning fee plus $30. If you do not return the costume within 10 days of leaving, you will be charged the full cost of a new costume.