In every area of your life, there are four statuses you can choose from. A psychologist named James Marcia came up with this idea, if you're bored and want to do some Googling. According to him, when trying to answer the question, "Who are you?" you might say one of these four things . . .
1. "I DON'T KNOW who I am, and I'm NOT WORRIED about it." This happens when you're not really thinking or caring about who you are or who you'll be in the future. You're comfortable, content, or maybe just too lazy, overwhelmed, or busy to really worry about it.
2. "I DON'T KNOW who I am, but I'm TRYING to figure it out." This happens when you're not sure who you are, so you're experimenting with different styles of clothes, or music, or fandoms, or friend groups, or belief systems. For most people your age, in most areas of their lives, this is usually their status.
3. "I KNOW WHO I am, but I'm still sort of NEW at it." This happens after you've explored some different options, but then you picked one and committed to it! Maybe you decided to care about a certain sport or hobby, or picked your "permanent" group of friends, or chose to get serious about your faith. At your age, this might be your status in one or two areas of your life, but remember - you might be committed to it, but you're still pretty new at it. And that's okay!
4. "I KNOW WHO I am because I WORKED HARD to figure it out." For most people, this one doesn't usually happen until adulthood. It's sort of the last stop on this journey toward figuring out who you are. After you've explored your identity and committed to it, you'll be new at it for a while - until you face a big challenge or test. If that piece of your identity survives that tough battle, this is your new identity status.