This form is to help me gear your session toward YOUR STYLE and helps me reflect your personality in your senior pictures.The more detailed you are in this form, the better your session will reflect your personality and therefore, give you super unique portraits! ***BE DETAILED. THE MORE INFO YOU GIVE ME, THE BETTER CUSTOMIZED YOUR PICTURES WILL BE!***
Your Name
Your Cell #
Your Email
Instagram Name:
Facebook Profile Link:
Current High School:
College Hopeful? If so, where?
What are you thinking about majoring in?
Extra Curricular Activities:
Sports, Hobbies, Fun stuff:
What are you MOST excited about for life AFTER high school?
What size t-shirt do you wear (regular fit)?
What is your FAVORITE fashion trend right now?
What's your usual style? Describe your style here:
What's your favorite fashion / clothing piece that you own?
What are your favorite clothing stores to shop at? What about these brands do you LOVE?
What are your LEAST favorite clothing stores and why?
You wouldn't dream of leaving the house without:
Please Select
A spritz of your fave perfume : I smell pretty!
Your trusty tinted moisturizer with SPF : safety first!
Some mascara and lip gloss : a little goes a long way!
A full made up face : you never know what can happen while you're out!
What is your favorite season?
Please Select
What is your favorite color TO WEAR and why?
Link your PINTEREST page here: It's VERY IMPORTANT to send me your Senior Session Pinterest board link. The more control YOU have over your session, the more customized it will be to YOUR personality and what YOU want! :)
What do you envision for your session?
Where would you like to see your session?
URBAN: super chic alley ways and brick walls to match your super chic wardrobe
COUNTRY: boots and fields with haystacks to match
A little of both!
What kind of outfits are you envisioning for your session?
What is YOUR definition of TRUE BEAUTY? It's important to me to help my clients and other teens understand that beauty does not only lie in appearances... it's what's inside that counts. By you telling me what YOUR definition of true beauty is, you will give others insight into their own beauty standards. :)
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How about 10 years?
What is your FAVE high school memory, so far?
How would you describe your personality?
What is your favorite book or magazine? List as many as you like!
Who is your favorite singer and/or band? List as many as you like! :)
What is your latest favorite series or movie(s) and why?
What are your favorite classes in school and why?
Name 3 things on your bucket list! Aaaaaaaand GO!
Best advice you've ever been given:
Which do you use more: Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook or Twitter? Why?
Why did you choose ME to be your senior portrait photographer?
What do you like about the pictures you have seen from your friends or others who have hired me for their senior portraits?
I can always learn from your past experiences with other photographers. When is the last time you had professional photos captured? What did you like and not like about that experience?
What kind of things have you seen in OTHER photography work that you DID NOT LIKE? This will help me stay away from that for your session!
How did you hear about Nicole Spangler Photography?
What site(s) did you use to research my work/portfolio?
INSTAGRAM @thenicolespangler
Tell me YOUR STORY. How can I help you represent it in your senior pictures?
What is something that you want everyone to know about you?
Thank you so much for filling out this information! I cannot wait to photograph your upcoming senior pictures! :)
Should be Empty: