I, First Name* Last Name* , authorize Towards Employment, and those actingunder the permission of Towards Employment, to:-Take photos of me-Take videos and recordings of me and my voice-Adjust photos and edit videos for artistic purposesI understand and authorize that the information I provide, as well as media taken of me, may be edited and shared both immediately and in the future with Towards Employment's audiences on websites, in videos, and on other public online forums such as:-Social media platforms-Emails-Press Releases-NewslettersAnd other online media.I understand that any media uploaded to the internet is accessible globally, and may be shared, downloaded, or saved. I recognize that Towards Employment may delete media from our own social media pages or website, but cannot delete files downloaded or saved by other users or devices.By signing this form electronically, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated herein.
I, First Name* Last Name* , do not authorize Towards Employment, and those acting under the permission of Towards Employment, to take photos, videos, or recordings of me for publishing.