Thank you for your interest in booking a new client service with Amy! Amy requires all new clients to fill out a new client application. This is in place of an in person consultation, and allows her to assess your hair, and desired goal to see if it's a good fit for her. Amy specializes in cutting, blondes, and natural affect color. She is also newly certified in IBE Extensions. If your desired hair is not a fit for Amy she will be happy to send you a recommendation for someone who might be.
First appointments with Amy can take anywhere from 2-4+ hours. Some color goals may take more than one appointment to achieve. We highly recommend you book an appointment on a day with no other time constraints so that you nor she is rushed during the process.
Amy's Schedule Tuesday 9-5 every other Wednesday 9-5 Thursday 11-7 Friday 9-5 Every Other Saturday 9-3. Please be sure to fill out the entire form with accurate information. Thank you for your interest and we will reach back out to you soon!