Given our belief that athletics provide a unique opportunity for the development of physical conditioning, athletic skill, and character traits, we expect every DRTFC athlete to adhere to the following rules:
For the safety of the team, all athletes under 9 years of age, must be accompanied by a parent to the event check in area, bathroom, or food court.
I will show respect for Coaches, Officials, Parents, and Opponents.
I will give an honest and sincere effort at each practice, and in competition.
I will work to develop the skills necessary to participate competently in track and field.
I will observe all rules of behavior set forth by USATF Arizona Association of Track and Field and those established by my team.
I will be subject to disciplinary action for conduct detrimental to the team.
I will stay in the designated area during track meets and will not leave without informing a Coach/Team Manager.
I will compete in the designated DRTFC uniform unless prior approval is received from the team.
I will show team spirit, encourage others and contribute to good morale.
I will set a good example for teammates, and younger athletes.
I will accept responsibility for consequences of actions, to not make excuses or blame others.
I agree to accept losing and winning graciously; by congratulating opponents and by not sulking or displaying other negative behaviors.
I will not engage in any form of bullying including, verbal, physical, mental, or through social media. This includes all cell phone outlets of texts, phone calls, chats, or videos.
By rendering payment I affirm I have read the code of conduct with my child and I/We agree to it’s terms and the team will hold me and my child accountable.