This is the Phrase Test Form
You will have been referred to this by a Senior Responsible Officer at RIW
Polite Notice
Please do not submit data via this form until you have completed the following
Please submit this form each week, or more often if you can. It contains three elements. You are asked to make a recording of you saying the same phrase for the period of 60 seconds. You will know when to stop speaking when you hear a beep. Please repeat this test two more times. Then please add four more scores which reflect how you are at the time. These scores relate to your current wellbeing, breathlessness, sputum volume and its colour. Then press submit. Thank you.
How your data will be used
Your data will be sent securely to data storage managed by Respiratory Innovation Wales (RIW). It will be used in line with its privacy policy ( RIW will use the data to test third party algorithms that seek to predict COPD exacerbations from speech. Your data will not be shared with third parties, instead algorithms will be applied to data shared by RIW. Progress on tests will be published
Your Reference Number
This will have been provided to by your Senior Responsible Officer Contact in the NHS / RIW
Please choose the phrase from the drop-down list below that your Senior Responsible Officer wishes you to submit
Please Select
This will have been provided to you by your Senior Responsible Officer Contact in the NHS / RIW
Test 1: Please record you saying the phrase you have chose above as quickly as you can, for one minute. When you are ready to begin press the orange Record button below.
Test 2: Please record you saying the phrase you have chose above as quickly as you can, for one minute. When you are ready to begin press the orange Record button below.
Test 3: Please record you saying the phrase you have chose above as quickly as you can, for one minute. When you are ready to begin press the orange Record button below.
At this time, how would you rate your Wellbeing
Please rate your wellbeing on a scale of 1 to 10. Were 1 is low and 10 is high
At this time, are you
Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise
Short of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill
Walking slower than people of your age because of breathlessness, or have to stop for breath when walking at your own pace on the level
Stoping for breath after walking about 100 yards, or after a few minutes on level ground
Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing/undressing
At this time are you, producing more Phlegm (sputum/spit) than you normally do each day
At this time how would you describe the colour of you Phlegm (sputum/spit)
White/Clear (This is the normal colour of phlegm)
Brown (This may be usual for you is you are a smoker)
Clear and fothy
Should be Empty: