Enrolment becomes valid and lessons can commence upon confirmation by the CEO / Administration Manager. Enrolment is continuous until notice of withdrawal. Enrolment carries into the following year unless YRC is notified of the student's intention to discontinue lessons in the following year. In those cases where a student in undecided/unsure about commencing study in a particular instrument, a 30-minute casual lesson can be arranged with an appropriate tutor to discuss the student's needs and aspirations. This is charged at a casual rate.
An administration fee ($30.00) and a membership fee ($10.00) are payable once a year by every family enrolled. An invoice for fees will be raised at the beginning of each term for all enrolled students. Fees are payable within 3 weeks of the date of invoice unless a payment plan has been approved. Payment plans require that fees are finalised by the end of each term. A late fee of $50 will be applied to unpaid invoices in Week 8 of the term. In the event of financial hardship, please contact the office to discuss Bursary assistance. Any student with outstanding fees from a previous term will be automatically withdrawn. Students may only re-enrol if accounts are paid in full or an approved payment schedule implemented; in this instance, it may not be possible to provide the student with the same lesson time, day or teacher.
Creative Kids vouchers may be applied to YRSM fees. Voucher details should be emailed to info@yrsm.org.au. The voucher should be applied for at https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-creative-kids-voucher
Outstanding accounts will be referred for debt collection. In such cases, the client will be liable for the collection fee and any associated charges.
Delivery of Lessons: Lessons begin and end promptly at the designated time. It is the student's responsibility to attend their lessons on time.
Missed Lessons/Refunds:
In the event that a tutor is absent, a substitute tutor may be allocated to deliver the lesson. In some instances, the tutor may offer a make up lesson at a mutually convenient time. If this is not possible, a make up lesson will be scheduled for the first Monday or Tuesday of the following school holiday period. This lesson may be delivered by the usual tutor, or by a substitute tutor. You will be advised of the scheduled holiday lesson time as soon as possible, after the missed lesson. Lesson fees will only be credited in extraordinary circumstances.
You must inform the office of all absences, with 24 hrs notice where possible. Credits or refunds are not given for missed lessons, unless due to tutor absence. Refunds will only be authorised by the CEO in exceptional circumstances. Fees for group classes and ensembles are payable by the full term only. No refunds can be given unless these courses are cancelled by YRC.
Students undertaking lessons at school locations are subject to the same regulations as those attending lessons at a YRC studio, including missed lesson and cancellation of enrolment. YRC is not responsible for any lessons missed by students due to school activities. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the YRC office if a student is going to be absent from a lesson due to a school activity. It is not the responsibility of your school to notify the YRC of a school activity.
Withdrawal can be made before the end of Week 3 and at the end of term only. Non-attendance at lessons does not indicate formal cancellation of enrolment and will result in the student being charged.
YRC reserves the right to review and implement changes to fees at any time. YRC reserves the right to discontinue lessons where student behaviour or attitude is deemed inappropriate.
It is an expectation that you will purchase any music resources required for your child’s ongoing music learning, as advised by the tutor. We note that YRC is required to comply with Australian copyright laws. Photocopying of resources is only permitted in limited instances.