Baby Jack's Rescue, Inc. Adoption Form
Name as it appears on your Driver's License
First Name
Last Name
Name of Pet you wish to Adopt
Please provide your Facebook name and/or Instagram name
Street Address, including apartment # if you have one.
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please provide your birthdate
Please provide ALL parties in the household and birthdate.
Do you own or rent your home?
If you rent, please provide you landlord's name & phone
Please provide a picture of your mortgage statement or deed, if you own your home. If you rent, please provide your lease.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Please list current pets, newest of vaccines date and Felv/Fiv testing date.
Are your other animals good with cats?
Will your cat be indoor or outdoor?
Will you be declawing?
Please provide your veterinarian's name and phone number. Please include any past veterinarian or shot clinic you have used. Please call the veterinary office to allow a vet check to be completed as records can not be released with permission.
If you have a medical emergency and your cat requires surgery, please explain to us how you will be taking care of that situation. Remember your animals, are a lifetime commitment.
Have you ever surrendered a pet you own to any animal shelter including a "low" or "no kill" shelter?
If you go on vacation or leave town, who would care or your pet?
Have you ever been convicted of an animal related crime, such as cruelty of animals, animal theft, or animal abandonment?
If you answered "YES" please provide a detailed description.
Signature of Potential Pet Parent
By providing your initials, you are agreeing to have your adopted pet neutered by 5 month/4 pounds , & spayed 6 months/5.5 pounds. Your initials will also, serve right to BJR to regain the animal you adopted if proof of spay/neuter is not provided to the rescue.
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