Data Programming Feedback
Please help us improve our programming around data by answering the brief questions below.
Which of the following best describes you? (listed in alphabetical order, select all that apply)
African American or Black
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Asian American
Hispanic, Latino/Latina/Latinx, or Spanish Origin
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Prefer not to answer
Prefer to self describe as:
How do you currently describe your gender or gender identity?
Please leave blank if you prefer not to answer
Why are we asking this?
Gathering demographic data on race, ethnicity, gender, and other aspects of a person's identity helps us determine who we are reaching and serving with our programming. Our goal is for our data programming to be accessible and valuable to everyone in our community.
How have you engaged with the Community Foundation's data programming? Check all that apply:
As part of my work for or with a non-profit or social-service partner organization
As part of my work for or with a local government agency
As part of my work for a business or private entity
As part of my work for the Community Foundation
As a concerned community member
Over the past several years, which parts of the Community Foundation's data programming have you taken part in? Check all that apply.
I've attended the Community Foundation's Annual Data Walk.
I've engaged with the Community Foundation's Annual Data Walk online.
I've attended a training or presentation about data hosted by the Community Foundation.
I've read reports compiled by the Community Foundation, as as the Community Equity Profiles.
I've partnered with the Community Foundation deepen my personal or my organization's understanding of data.
I've engaged with data collection or review efforts through a Community Foundation initiative.
Other (please describe)
If above you answered that you have engaged with data collection or review efforts through a Community Foundation initiative, which initiatives did you participate in?
Dubuque College Access Network
Every Child Reads
Food Provider Network
Project HOPE
Other (please describe)
I find the Community Foundation's data programming useful for my understanding of the community.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
1 is Strongly Disagree, 5 is Strongly Agree
The Community Foundation's data programming has been useful in helping me make changes within my organization or business to improve effectiveness.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
1 is Strongly Disagree, 5 is Strongly Agree
The Community Foundation's data programming has been useful in helping my organization obtain new or expand existing grant funding.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
1 is Strongly Disagree, 5 is Strongly Agree
I would recommend the Community Foundation's data programming to someone I know.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
1 is Strongly Disagree, 5 is Strongly Agree
How would you suggest the Community Foundation improve its data programming?
What kind of data efforts would you like to see the Community Foundation prioritize in the future?
Other comments:
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