Welcome to the Miracle Life Family Church Membership Pipeline Application Process! You are about to make an important decision concerning your church family.
Children's names (only list those under 18 years who will be included in your membership and upload their passport size photos)
List the names of churches that you have been a part of before coming to MLFC beginning with the church you first attended. A letter of release is required if you have been a member of another church within Lusaka.
Do you believe in the principle of tithe and offering? Are you willing to faithfully support the ministry of this church with your prayer, dedication, and finances as God enables and directs you?
Why do you feel that you want to enter into a "family" relationship with this church body?
Do you share and embrace the MLFC mission of "Sharing Christ, Maturing Believers, Changing the World"?
What gifts, talents and abilities do you feel you are willing to contribute to this church?
Please read through your form to ensure that you have responded to all the questions as incomplete application forms will not be processed.