Call: 087 821 6217
I {name} confirm that all information given is true and correct. In accepting the membership, I agree to abide by the terms & conditions. I hereby declare that Kgothalo Events (Pty) Ltd has the right to use the information for the purpose of the membership. I understand that the membership application is subject to approval by the sales department and that the membership subscription fee is non-refundable. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify Kgothalo Events (Pty) Ltd of any change in my personal particulars. Kgothalo Events will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may arise due to incorrect or outdated records. I understand that my membership will only be activated upon membership fee payment.
Bank: Standard BankBranch Name: Wilkoppies BranchAccount Holder: Kgothalo Events (Pty) LtdAccount Number: 10152242935Reference Number: Membership Number
Representative: _____________________________
Date: ________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________