To proceed with this application and be considered for coaching, you will need to:
1) provide your Hockey Canada ID number AND
2) provide proof that you have completed the following basic certifications:
- a valid Respect in Sports for Activity Leaders (RIS-AL)
- a valid Criminal Record Check (CRC), or confirmation of a pending CRC
- Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)
If you are a new coach starting from scratch, please complete the basic certs in the order above. Once you complete the Respect in Sports cert, it will generate a Hockey ID number. This will be used to credit your profile when you take the CATT, and when your CRC clearance letter comes in, and you will need it to register for your coaching clinics.
If you do not have these items, please return to this application when they have been completed.
3) CRITICAL WAIVERS in HCR have been signed.
NEW Criminal Record Checks - take a screenshot of the confirmation screen from BC Services - it will be required to complete this application.