Cape Fear Botanical Garden Educator Workshop: Project Wild - May 7th 9 am - 3:30 pm
Project WILD is a wildlife-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. Project WILD is one of the most widely-used conservation and environmental education programs among educators of students in kindergarten through high school. Participants in the workshop receive the Project WILD K-12 educator guide along with materials specifically about North Carolina wildlife. The educator guide contains more than 80 hands-on activities that focus on wildlife and natural resources. Receive 6 hours of criteria one credit towards NC Environmental Educator Certification. With the completion of an optional 4-hour homework assignment, participants can receive 10 credit hours. Website: Guest Instructor: Kalissa Skibicki - Preregistration Required. Membership or $10 admission required.
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EDUCATION MASK REQUIREMENTS: The Garden now requires visitors, aged five and up, attending any Garden education programs to wear masks at all times, while indoors, unless actively eating and drinking. To better protect the health and safety of visitors, our Education Team, and those who may have compromised immune systems, the Garden will approve exemptions or exceptions to this policy only with documentation from a medical provider. Please help us keep everyone safe. Should you have any questions, please contact our Education Manager Barbara Goldentyer at 910-486-0221, ext. 43 or email:
I have read and agree to CFBG's Education Mask Requirement policy.
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