Career Assessments
To validate your Career Interest, all students must complete a career assessment. Your Case Manager will proctor the assessment and assist you in anyway with completing it. Once you have completed the Career Assessment, your Case Manager will provide you with feedback that will enable you to make the best decision for your Career Interest.
Benefits of a Career Assessment
A good career assessment helps students increase their self-awareness and their understanding of their career options, choices and the job market. Most career assessments follow the methodology that a student needs to understand their interests, aptitudes, values, and skills to determine where they fit within the job market.
The assessment provides them with the information needed to make better career decisions, and allow you, the manager, to avoid spending money on the wrong training as you both work to plan the next step in your employee's career. Assessing career choices from time-to-time can be a valuable exercise for an employee.
Career assessments are surveys or tests that attempt to give insight into what type of career would be best for someone. There are four major types of career assessments: personality tests, interest inventories, skills assessments, and value assessments.
Your Case Manager will chose the best assessment to assist you in discovering your skills and talents. There might be cases where two or more assessments are administered.