Juneteenth Augusta Weekend
To You, Our Potential Sponsor,
Band of Brothers Augusta is excited to announce the 9th Annual Juneteenth Augusta Celebration. “Juneteenth” is an annual celebration to commemorate the emancipation of the last remaining group of slaves in 1865. This year the festivities will be held from Tuesday, June 17th, 2025 to Sunday, June 22nd, 2025 with the Juneteenth Augusta Festival being the grand finale! In the excitement of this familial, community celebration, Band of Brothers Augusta has created an innovative way for your organization to help have a significant impact on the attendees’ lives, while also spreading comradery amongst the community.
The Band of Brothers Augusta annually puts together the Juneteenth Augusta Festival, a unifying event for the community; complete with vendors, wellness checks, knowledge, entertainment, and fun. With the task of hosting such a humanitarian event and it being a huge success, funding is solely dependent on the support we receive from surrounding businesses, organizations, friends, and family. We are asking for your assistance in making this community event a huge success. It is our goal to successfully accommodate 20,000+ members of our community.
At this time, we are requesting your assistance in providing donations including, but not limited to, food and beverages.
In appreciation of your anticipated donation, we would like to offer you public recognition both on our Social Media platforms as well as any publications and marketing materials for your contribution(s).
We look forward to your support and thank you in advance for bringing us one step closer to creating a beautiful experience for our community this Juneteenth!
The deadline to register as a sponsor is APRIL 15, 2025. You may contact us for more information via email at JuneteenthAugusta@Gmail.com
Band of Brothers Augusta