Senior Adult Ministry: Invitation to Connect
OUR MISSION: The Senior Adult Ministry designs, develops and coordinates programs and support services, in collaboration with Bellarmine Parish ministries and community organizations and assists with the spiritual, educational and social needs and interests of the older population in our community.
Your Contact Information
Please complete the following
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Senior Adult Ministry - Request for Connection
(Please check all that apply)
I would like to talk with someone about senior pastoral care FOR a loved one (and/or for yourself) - specifically:
Correspondence (written note, phone call, email)
Home visit (visits done in pairs)
Senior Adult Ministry - Volunteering
We invite you to consider joining the ministry- it's a great way to cultivate connection with our senior community!
I am interested in VOLUNTEERING with the Senior Adult Ministry, helping with...
... CORRESPONDENCE with our homebound senior adult community (e.g., writing notes and/or emails, making phone calls, etc.)
...VISITING our homebound and/or bereaved (visits done in pairs)
...Joining the Senior Adult Ministry COMMITTEE - In addition to the supporting the volunteer activities listed above, this would include monthly meetings, support with regular programming (presentations) and related coffee socials.
Senior Adult Ministry - Programs
Our ministry offers engaging presentations throughout the year. We welcome your thoughts regarding program themes, guest speakers or any other ideas you wish to share!
My thoughts regarding future Senior Adult Ministry programming:
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