Fisherville Animal Hospital requires any and all records for your pet prior to the day of your scheduled veterinary appointment. Wellness appointments are scheduled for 20 minutes and sick or office visits are scheduled for 30 minutes. If we do not receive your records prior to your appointment, it will need be rescheduled. Evaluating and obtaining records takes time away from the appointment time allotted for checking your pet in, assessing their health, and discussing findings with the doctor. Providing us with the paper records, emailing them to, or providing us with the clinic that we can contact for previous records will expedite the process and allow us to dedicate our time and focus solely on your pet at their appointment.
We strive to provide you with quality medicine, the time allotted to focus on your pet, and provide the communication needed to answer any questions you have about your pet. If you arrive more than 5 minutes late for your appointment, we will most likely have to reschedule you due to the limited time we have alloted to care for your pet. Our recommendation is to arrive 10-15 minutes early for your appointment to assure that your pet will be seen and to allow any information still needed to be acquired. You are welcome to call the clinic at 603-229-0674 prior to your appointment to inform us if you will be late to determine if the schedule will allow your pet to still be seen or if we will need to reschedule.
We do our best to provide your pet with the best care possible, the time allowed for this does influence this ability and is why it is important to be prompt arriving for your appointment and having all information provided prior to your visit.