Are you a resident of Lindon, in high school, and interested in Law Enforcement? The Lindon Police Department is accepting applications to attend a Youth Academy. The academy provides an opportunity to gain an understanding of the role and responsibilities of a police officer.
The main goal of the youth academy is to improve and build relationships between the youth of our community while exposing attendees to a potential career in law enforcement.
The academy will include hands-on instruction of topics to include:
- Overview of the Criminal Justice System
- Responsibilities and Roles of a Police Officer
- Patrol Functions (practical scenarios)
- Investigations (practical scenarios)
- Basic First Aid
- Ride-Along
- Basic Firearms Instruction
The academy will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 to 7 pm, over a five-week period beginning on MARCH 1, 2022. Interested individuals will need to complete the attached application, brief letter of interest, parental consent, and liability waiver.
- We will be accepting 14 applicants for the academy. Depending on the number of applications, preference may be given to those in 12th, 11th, then 10th grades and a commitment to attending each week. The Police Department is intending to hold future academies to provide further opportunities.
If interested, please complete this application, letter of interest, parental consent, and liability waiver. Once submitted, this application will be electronically processed. Please note, parental consent signatures will be verified. For status inquires, you may contact Alicia at aadams@lindoncity.org.
Applications are due by FEBRUARY 4, 2022.
For questions or further information, please contact Chief Mike Brower at (801) 769-8603