New Pupil Registration
(Years 3 to 9)
You must complete this form and book a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) session for your child. Before you begin you will need digital photos or scans* of the following:
- Child's photo
- Child's Civil ID (front & back)
- Child's birth certificate
- Child's two most recent school reports
- Father's Civil ID (front & back)
- Mother's Civil ID (front & back)
- Child's passport (none Kuwaiti)
- Father's passport (none Kuwaiti)
- Mother's passport (none Kuwaiti)
* Each digital file must be less than 4MB
A new registration form must be submitted for each child you wish to register.
Cognitive Ability Test (CAT)
Students hoping to gain admission to GBA from Year 3 to Year 11 are required to sit a Cognitive Ability Test conducted at the school.
CATs are a series of multi-choice tests in four key areas:
1. Verbal reasoning. A series of short tests aimed at assessing the students’ use of the English language in normal situations.
2. Quantitative reasoning. A series of short tests aimed at assessing the students’ ability in arithmetical and universal mathematical manipulations.
3. Non-verbal reasoning. A series of short tests aimed at assessing the students’ intellectual dexterity.
4. Spatial reasoning. A series of short tests aimed at assessing the students’ ability to generate and transform visual images.
CATs are non-specific in relation to national education systems but the tests are age-specific. There is no revision required to sit this test.
The four key testing areas are split into three online sections which take approximately 90 minutes to complete.
Please arrive on time to Gate 4.
Please note - Only the child attending the interview and one parent can enter the school building.
The entrance test costs 25KD (non-refundable). Please pay this on arrival.

KNET preferred
If you have any problems completing this form, please email our Registrar: