EVFAC Class Proposal Form
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Short Bio (This will be used for the advertising of your class. Please write this in third person.)
Proposed Class Information
Class title
Age group
Time requirement: Please specify number of days, and hours (example: 3 hours, two consecutive days)
Maximum number of students
Preferred dates and time to run class: Classes fill up best on Saturdays. We prefer starting classes at 10:30am or later. We are open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 10am-5pm. If you need to run the class on a different day, we can easily make arrangements.
Student level/skill requirements
Class description and curriculum (This is used for our advertising of the class. View other class descriptions at www.nmfiberartscenter.org/classes)
Images and Marketing
Please provide 2-6 recent digital images of the proposed work for use in our publications and on our website. Please select high quality images. Higher quality images make marketing your class much easier. You can also provide images of similar work, for example: A more advanced project that the student would easily be able to achieve after taking your course, or your own personal work that is relevant to the class proposed.
Browse Files
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Proposed Class Information
EVFAC facilities requirement (for example: tables, chairs, pre-warped looms, sink, etc.)
Materials students should provide
Materials EVFAC should provide
Materials instructor will provide, if any.
Materials fee (if provided by instructor). Write none if none. Otherwise this fee will be paid directly to you, the instructor on the first day of class.
We would love to provide materials for purchase for you class in the EVFAC store. Are there materials students should purchase ahead of time for your class?
Please detail any other requirements you may have
Covid-19 policy preferences. Please list any requirements you would like your students to abide by. For example: you can require vaccinations for your students, you can require masking for your students, you can require nothing for your students. We are now leaving this up to the preference of the instructor, as the government no longer requires us of anything. Please write "None" if you do not have any preferences.
Payment and Cancellation Information
EVFAC is a 501(c)3, if you are willing to donate your time or will accept a lower fee please state below. EVFAC pays a standard instructor fee of $25 per hour, in order to keep class fees affordable. All class minimums are set at two or three students, this depends on size and length of class. Classes will only be cancelled if registration has not met the minimum one week prior. We run classes if the center breaks even, as a non-profit we strive to run classes, even if it is just at-cost. Invoices will be emailed to instructor for approval once pay structure is established. Adjustments post-class can be made by emailing director@evfac.org. Checks are sent within the week after the class is held to the address provided on your W-9.
Will you accept the EVFAC standard $25 per hour rate
If you would like to receive a different rate, please state that here:
Do we have a current W-9 form from you?
If not, please send one in before the class is held.
Travel expenses may be accommodated for some instructors. Please indicate what you would like to be compensated for your travel. EVFAC will pay the IRS non-profit mileage rate of $.14 per mile of commuting.
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