• You must be a freshman or sophomore at City College with a 3.3 GPA and a 3.5 GPA in English classes.
• If you are a Macaulay Honors College student or the recipient of an Excelsior Scholarship, you can participate in the Program if chosen, but you cannot be awarded the stipend.
• You cannot be pursuing a second degree.
If accepted, applicants undertake to:
• Concentrate in English literature
• Complete collateral programs of study in a classical and a modern language. Students are required to study a Classical language up to the intermediate level; this usually consists of four semesters of study. The study of a Classical language fulfills the colllege-wide foreign language requirement. The study of a modern foreign language is highly recommended but not required.
• Become a member of the English Department Honors Program, which requires
that you take two 490-level seminars and complete an Honors Thesis in your last
year of study. You will be automatically enrolled in English Honors upon acceptance
into the Isaacs Scholarship.
Applications due by March 15.