Cazares Cares Puppy Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Who is this puppy for?
How can a Cazares Cares Puppy/Dog help you or the person listed above?
Are you or the person you are nominating able and willing to take care of the needs of a bulldog? Such as Vet appointments, proper nourishment (food approximately $100/month), socialization, insurance, basic training needs, follow-ups with Cazares Cares
Where would this puppy live?
Who would this dog live with? List all family members names and ages.
Please list all animals that live in the house where this puppy would live with. Include breed, age and temperament of the animals.
Are you or said person open to gender, size, color and timeframe?
Are dog allergies an issue?
Do you or the person you are nominating need:
A Therapy dog
An Emotional Support Pup
Just a Puppy Pet Companion
Should there be any reason the nominee cannot keep their dog, it is understood that the dog is returned to Cazares Royal Lineage Bulldogs and not given to someone else.
Yes, I understand and agree.
It is understood that the puppy will not be used to breed. If you agree to accept a puppy from Cazares Cares you are agreeing to spay or neuter your dog at the appropriate age.
Yes, I understand and agree.
If you submit this application you are agreeing that your story or the person you are nominating will be on social media and our website.
Yes, I understand and agree.
Anything else you would like to share with us? Or other information we should know?
Since we also offer our retired parents as ESA's or Pets, we occasionally have a specific dog that has become available that has been evaluated, spayed or neutered that might match what you want or need. If that is the case and you saw said dog advertised, please state which dog you are applying for and how that dog will be able to help you.
How did you hear about Cazares Cares?
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