What is a private tutor versus a private instructor?
FOR PRIVATE TUTOR ($25 a session): Please fill out this form, and we will get back to you with a tutor match as soon as possible. Tutoring is billed weekly on your iClass account. Please note: Computer Lab or Fridays may be the only time classrooms are available due to limited space on campus. You may meet with a tutor at another public place but never at one's home or private space.
Private tutors help students to complete homework given in class and keep up their understanding of concepts throughout the school year. Parents of students or students themselves can request private tutors. You may wish to meet with a tutor once or multiple times a week virtually, on campus, or at another public place.
(If you are seeking SUMMER TUTORING, head to iClass > Booking > Summer Tutoring > Enroll Now. Then, answer the question on subject and select days/times. Add to cart and pay now).
FOR PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR ($1600 a year): To book private instruction, email tutoringcenter@questforeducationandarts.com. And we will get back to you with a instructor match soon as possible. Private instruction is billed in one lump-sum on iClass and offers weekly, one hour instruction for the entire school year. Please note: Fridays may be the only time classrooms are available due to limited space on campus. You may meet at another public place but never at one's home or private space.
Private instruction is offered as way for students to receive one-on-one instruction for a course. Private instructors will teach the class concepts, provide assignments, and give homework. Once we find a match, we ask that you work with them to establish a curriculumn and desired goals.