Dear {parents},
This email is to inform you that the Chromebook or iPad device assigned to your child, {studentsName} was returned to the school with damage on: {date}
Cost of Repair/Replacement of Damage totals:
Protrated / Custom Pricing:
Free and Reduce: {freeAnd}
Please Review Photo of Device: {fileUpload}
SHSD Insurance:{shsdInsurance}
Total Repair Cost: {totalRepair}
Payment Information
1. Please mail Payment in the amount of:{totalRepair} for damages via check to:
Bernardsville Middle School
141 Seney Drive
Bernardsville, NJ 07924
2. Please note the child(s) name and device repaired when submitting payment to the district office.
Any questions about the insurance program can be directed, via email or phone, to:
Jeremy Schwarz - (908) 204-1930 ext. 2168
Parent signature: _____________________________________________________