Transit System of the Year Qualifications
Explain why the entry is outstanding in each qualification:
1. Innovative and creative services in the community.
2. Being responsive to the needs of its customers and the community.
3. Actively coordinating and collaborating with other public and special services
4. Effectively helps the community accomplish their goals.
5. Creates partnerships with a wide range of organizations, both public and private.
6. Providing accessible transportation service.
7. Building transportation alternatives that are intended to meet a wide range of the
communities' needs.
8. Promotes safety throughout transit system.
Transit Professional of the Year Qualifications
Explain why the entry is outstanding in each qualification:
1. Demonstrates exemplary leadership qualities.
2. Is responsive to the needs of their staff, customers, and the community.
3. Actively collaborates with other public and special services transportation.
4. Effectively helps the community accomplish their goals.
5. Creates partnerships with a wide range of organizations, both public and private.
6. Participates in volunteer opportunities within their professional life.
7. Promotes best practices throughout transit system.
Marketing Campaign of the Year Qualifications
Explain why the entry is outstanding in each qualification:
1. Marketing campaign reached the target audience.
2. Marketing campaign had appeal.
3. Marketing campaign was well executed.
4. Marketing campaign effectively used resources.
5. Marketing campaign met is goals and objectives.
Innovation Award Qualifications
Explain why the entry is outstanding in each qualification:
1. Innovation has been effective.
2. Innovations has saved resources or made transit system more efficient.
3. Innovation has impacted system users.
4. Innovation impacted the transit system and its employees.
Supplier of the Year Award
Explain why the entry is outstanding in each qualification:
1. Demonstrates exemplary leadership qualities.
2. Is responsive to the needs of their staff, customers, and the transit community.
3. Actively collaborates with their industry partners in transit.
4. Effectively helps their customers accomplish their goals.
5. Creates partnerships with a wide range of organizations, both public and private.
6. Participates in volunteer opportunities within their professional life.
7. Promotes best practices throughout transit systems.
Safety and Training Qualifications
Explain why the entry is outstanding in each qualification:
1. The safety and training program was effective.
2. The safety and training program impacted system users.
3. The safety and training program impacted the transit system and its employees.
Major Ed Pulido Transit Hero of the Year Qualifications
Each OTA member transit agency may nominate one of their drivers as that agency's Hero of the Year candidate. An agency nominates the driver by submitting a three-minute video showing what makes them a candidate for OTA Hero of the Year. When submitting the nomination include their name and position and what agency they are with. A one paragraph written introduction, description, and reason they should be the Hero of the Year must be submitted with the video (maximum 250 words). Also, please include a head shot and the agency logo for each nominee.
Keith Leftwich Transit Champion of the Year Qualifications
Anyone may nominate a Keith Leftwich Transit Champion of the Year candidate for consideration. This person should demonstrate vested interest in the transit community through public service, volunteerism, or community engagement. They do not need to be a member of the OTA to be considered. A one paragraph written introduction and reason they should be the Transit Champion of the Year must be included (less than 500 words) and a photo of this individual. You may also submit up to three letters of endorsement. More than one award may be given in this category.