Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Date of Birth
Date Picker Icon
Cell Phone Carrier
Best Time to Call
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
T-Shirt Size
Please Select
Place of Employment
Length of Employment
Marital Status
Spouse's Name
Serving Together?
Service You Would Like to Volunteer:
Sunday Service
Thursday Night Service
How Often Would You Like To Serve
Every Week
Once a Month
Twice a Month
I Would Like To Serve in the Following Areas (Check All That Apply)
Children's Church
Youth Ministry
Prophetic Team
Evangelism Team
Security (In Church or Online)
Greeter ( In Church or Online)
Women's Ministry
Office /Adminitration Team
Men's Ministry
Counseling/Healing Ministry
Music Ministry
Teaching Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Grief/Bereavement Ministry
Media Ministry to include social media
Graphics & Website Design
Scribe Ministry
Singles Ministry
55 and Older Ministry
Deliverance Team
Creative Arts Ministry
Briefly Describe Your Relationship With Jesus Christ
How long have you attended The Forerunners Center or KGA Network?
List Any Leadership/Volunteer Experience You Have Had:
List Any Training, Education or Spiritual Gifts That Have Shaped You To Serve In The Church
List Any of The Forerunners Center or KGA Network Ministries In Which You Are Involved:
Have You Ever Been Accused, Charged With, or Alleged to Have Committed Any Act of Neglect, Abuse, or Molestation Against A Minor? If Yes, Explain in Detail, Providing Date and Place of Incident:
Local Personal/Ministry References (Must Be 18 Years Old and Not Related to You)
Reference Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Reference Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
I hereby authorize Alton and Nicckay Natson Global Inc./ The Forerunners Center and or Kingdom Global Alliance Network to verify all information contained in this application with any references, my past or present employers, any other appropriate personnel at my past or present employment, churches or other organizations, and any individuals. I authorize those who are contacted to disclose any and all information to Alton and Nicckay Natson Global Inc. The Forerunners Center and Kingdom Global Alliance Network. I release all such persons or entities from liability that may result or arise from Alton and Nicckay Natson Global Inc. The Forerunners Center and Kingdom Global Alliance Network. collections of all such evaluations or information for its consideration of my application. Should my application be accepted, I agree to follow the policies of Alton and Nicckay Natson Global Inc. The Forerunners Center and Kingdom Global Alliance Network and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of the organization and church. I understand that this personal information will be held confidential by the organization and church staff.
I agree with the statement above
I disagree with the statement above
I am the parent/legal guardian of the applicant and I agree with the statement above
I am the parent/legal guardian of the applicant and I disagree with the statement above
Should be Empty: