The residency fair will be on Saturday, September 13 only.
Exact time TBD.
Location is NIU Naperville and the ballroom is a very limited space. Please do not bring large displays. Your power is in your people!
Each exhibit booth is $900 and includes one free conference registration for your program. We encourage as many of your program's faculty and residents to register for the conference and attend the sessions and networking events. Each additional registrant will get a discounted rate.
Each exhibit will include a table and two chairs, no pipe and drape.
Two related programs may share one booth and split the fee, but will need to purchase one additional registration.
Payment is due by August 11 or the booth will be reassigned to a program on the waitlist.
Booths will be assigned on a first come first served for fully paid exhibits, with a priority on keeping state's programs near each other. Credit card payment with your application is strongly recommended.
If you have any questions about registration, please call Ginnie Flynn at 773-754-1185 or email