Qualifying Criteria for Ninety Year Olds' Honorary Memberships (referenced in Bylaws, Article III, Section 1)
During the fall each year, local units should review their membership to identify current unit and WSSRA members who have reached the age of 90 by June 30; and
Further, who have also been members of the Washington State School Retirees' Association for at least twenty (20) years; and
Further, who have been active, contributing members as identified by committee service, holding office, or involved in activities which support the purposes of WSSRA as identified under Article II - Purposes of the WSSRA Bylaws.
Local unit presidents must submit their unit's recommendation(s) to the Executive Board of WSSRA no later than the April Board meeting of each year to be effective the following fiscal year, July 1.
Upon approval by the WSSRA Executive Board, recipients of Honorary Membership will be notified by the WSSRA President no later than April 15.
*indicates required field