Article 2. Definition of activities
The activities will be performed on a voluntary basis, therefore unpaid.
Article 3. Coaching
A coach will be assigned to take care of the required support, supervision, and expertise/competence extension and promotion of volunteers.
Article 4. Account
Volunteer receives access to a DIVD email address.
Article 5. Code of conduct
The volunteer signs the code of conduct and acts according to it. When violating the code of conduct, the email address of the volunteer will be terminated.
All activities will be performed according to the general way of working of the DIVD and, if applicable, under the responsibility of a coach.
Article 6. Confidentiality
A volunteer is obligated to keep confidentiality with respect to sensitive information acquired during the research of a vulnerability and of which reasonably can be concluded that confidentiality is applicable. This applies during the duration of the volunteer agreement as well as after termination of it and regardless of the manner in which the information has become known to the volunteer.
Article 7. Privacy regulations
All information shared with the volunteer is covered by the privacy regulations of the organization.
Article 8. Theft or loss
DIVD takes no responsibility for theft or damage of personal assets and properties.
Article 9. Disputes
In case of internal disputes, mediation from the assigned coach of the applicable department can be called in. For this, the complaint regulations of DIVD are applied.
Article 10. Termination
Both parties are authorized to terminate this agreement.
Article 11. Communication
Volunteer signs the communications protocol and act according to it.