Your pet is scheduled for a procedure requiring the use of anesthetic and/or sedation. We, like you, consider your pet's well-being to be our highest priority. Prior to anesthesia or sedation, we will perform a full physical examination to ensure there are no pre-existing medical conditions that may potentially cause complications.
Advances in anesthesia and anesthetic monitoring techniques have made routine procedures very safe, with low rates of complications. However, you need to understand that occasional problems can occur due to the possibility of pre-existing conditions that are not evident during routine histories and physical examinations. To minimize complications, the veterinarians and staff at this veterinary practice strongly recommend a pre-anesthetic/pre-sedation blood test. Although the blood test does not totally eliminate risk, it greatly reduces the possibility of complications by identifying conditions that may require further treatment. It also allows the veterinarian to choose the safest medications pre- and post-operatively.