Georgetowne HOA - Infraction Report Notice
Date of Review
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Street Address
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100 Council Gap Court
100 Timber Hitch Road
101 Council Gap Court
101 Timber Hitch Road
102 Timber Hitch Road
103 Council Gap Court
103 Timber Hitch Road
104 Council Gap Court
104 Timber Hitch Road
105 Council Gap Court
106 Council Gap Court
106 Timber Hitch Road
107 Council Gap Court
107 Timber Hitch Road
108 Council Gap Court
108 Timber Hitch Road
109 Council Gap Court
109 Timber Hitch Road
110 Council Gap Court
110 Timber Hitch Road
111 Council Gap Court
111 Timber Hitch Road
112 Council Gap Court
112 Timber Hitch Road
113 Council Gap Court
114 Council Gap Court
114 Timber Hitch Road
115 Council Gap Court
115 Timber Hitch Road
116 Council Gap Court
116 Timber Hitch Road
117 Council Gap Court
117 Timber Hitch Road
118 Council Gap Court
118 Timber Hitch Road
119 Council Gap Court
119 Timber Hitch Road
120 Council Gap Court
120 Timber Hitch Road
122 Council Gap Court
123 Council Gap Court
124 Council Gap Court
125 Council Gap Court
126 Council Gap Court
127 Council Gap Court
200 Council Gap Court
201 Council Gap Court
202 Council Gap Court
203 Council Gap Court
204 Council Gap Court
205 Council Gap Court
206 Council Gap Court
207 Council Gap Court
208 Council Gap Court
209 Council Gap Court
210 Council Gap Court
211 Council Gap Court
212 Council Gap Court
213 Council Gap Court
301 Council Gap Court
303 Council Gap Court
304 Council Gap Court
305 Council Gap Court
307 Council Gap Court
308 Council Gap Court
309 Council Gap Court
310 Council Gap Court
311 Council Gap Court
312 Council Gap Court
313 Council Gap Court
314 Council Gap Court
315 Council Gap Court
316 Council Gap Court
317 Council Gap Court
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Exterior Maintenance
Parking / Storage
Storage / Curb Appeal
Street Parking
Unapproved Exterior Change
Trash Containers
Yard Maintenance
Prohibited Activities
Details / Notes:
Covenant / Handbook Reference(s): Select all that apply:
- Exterior Maintenance: Article VI; Architectural Appearance and Control; Page 9; Section 2(f) - It shall be the responsibility of each Owner, tenant, contractor, or subcontractor to prevent the development of any unclear, unsightly, unkempt, unhealthy, or unsafe conditions of buildings or grounds on any Lot which shall tend to substantially decrease the beauty or safety of Georgetowne, the neighborhood as a whole, or the specific area.
- Exterior Power Washing: Article VI; Architectural Appearance and Control; Page 9; Section 2(f) - It shall be the responsibility of each Owner, tenant, contractor, or subcontractor to prevent the development of any unclear, unsightly, unkempt, unhealthy, or unsafe conditions of buildings or grounds on any Lot which shall tend to substantially decrease the beauty or safety of Georgetowne, the neighborhood as a whole, or the specific area.
- Garbage Containers: Article VI; Architectural Appearance and Control; Page 11; Section 2(e) - All garbage receptacles, containers and enclosures shall be located at the rear of the dwelling structure on a Lot, out of view from any Street abutting the Lot.
- Inoperable / Covered Vehicles: Covenant Article VII; Use Restrictions; Page 12; Section 3 Parking Rights. - No inoperative or abandoned vehicle, or any type, shall be parked or stored on any Lot or on the streets in the development.
- Lawn Maintenance: Covenant Article VII Use Restrictions; Page 12; Section 2((j) - Each owner shall keep his building site free of tall grass, undergrowth, dead trees, trash and rubbish and property maintained so as to present a pleasing appearance. In the event an owner does not properly maintain his building site as above provided, in the opinion of the Architectural Committee, the Declarant may have the required work done and the costs thus incurred shall be paid by the owner.
- Parking / Storage of Prohibited Devices: Covenant Article VII Use Restrictions; Page 12; Section 3 Parking Rights. - Owners of Lots shall not be permitted to park boats, trailers, campers and all other similar property on the streets in the development, and such property shall be parked in a garage or area screened from the street and adjoining Lot view and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. In no case shall recreation vehicle parking be allowed in front of or beside a house unless adequately screened from view of the street and adjoining Lots.
- Street Parking: Covenant Article VII Use Restrictions; Page 12; Section 3 Parking Rights. - Adequate off-street parking shall be provided by the owner of each Lot for the parking of motor vehicles owned by such owner, and owners of Lots shall not be permitted to park their automobiles on the streets in the development.
- Unapproved Exterior Change: Covenant Article VI; Architectural Appearance and Control; Page 8; Section 2(a) - No building, fence, or other structure shall be erected, placed, or altered, nor shall a building permit application for such improvement be made on any Lot in Georgetowne until the proposed building location, specifications, exterior materials and color or finish, plot plan (showing the proposed location of such building or structure, drives, and parking areas, exterior shape, size and height) shall have been approved in writing by the Declarant, or by the Architectural Review Board of the Association.
Prohibited Activities: Covenants Article VII- Use Restrictions Section 7- Noxious, offensive or loud activities shall not be carried on upon any Lot. Each over shall refrain from any act of us of his lot which could reasonably cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Each Owner shall keep and maintain his Lot in a neat, orderly and well kept manner. No industry, business, trade, occupation or profession of any kind shall be permitted on any Lot or Common Area.
Non- Permanent Play Equipment: Arch Standards (N):Non-permanent play equipment (i.e. mobile basketball goals, swing sets, etc.) does not require approval. However, the play equipment when not in use should if possible be placed inconspicuously (behind the house and out of view from the street) so that it does not detract from the neighborhood, play equipment should be kept in good appearance and repair. The Town of Cary does not allow any play equipment in the street or street right-of-way.
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