All Coaches/Assistant Coaches and Volunteers participating and/or representing Excel 2 Excellence Youth Football League (E2E) are to read and agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.
Coaches/Assistant Coaches and Volunteers will not be allowed to participate without signing/agreeing to this form. Anyone deemed in violation of this Code of Conduct may be subject to SUSPENSION, FINES and/or EXPULSION from E2E. THIS CODE OF CONDUCT WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!
The following rules are set forth by E2E and will be strictly enforced:
- Set an example of good sportsmanship as well as have a positive attitude and show enthusiasm for all participants.
- Emphasize that winning is the result of “team work” and fundamentals.
- Remove from a game, practice or competition any participant when even slightly in doubt about their health.
- Do not criticize participants in front of spectators. Reserve constructive criticism for private or in the presence of team participants if others might benefit.
- Do not criticize an opposing team, its participants, coaches or fans by word of mouth or gestures.
- Do not deliberately incite unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Together with game officials be jointly responsible for the conduct and control of the team, fans and spectators. Ultimately, the head coach is responsible for the conduct of the parents and spectators.
- Accept decisions of the game or conference officials on the field and at competitions as being fair and called to the best of said officials.
- Do not permit an ineligible participant to participate in a game or competition.
- Refrain from using abusive and profane language.
- Refrain from striking any other E2E Coach, Athletic Director, Official, spectator or participant.
- Fair and consistent coaching should be expected at all times from each coach.
- Disrespect and verbal abuse will not be tolerated, including trash talking, arguing, use of foul language, ethnic slurs or references, towards any player, official, other coach, team representative, any opposing team, player or spectator.
I hereby confirm that I have read, understand and do hereby agree to abide by the E2E Youth Football League Coaches Code of Conduct
I am also aware that my failure to abide by the E2E Youth Football Coaches Code of Conduct may be grounds for my suspension, imposed fines and/or dismissal from my coaching position and participation in the E2E Youth Football League.