Children's Mental Health - Covid impact
This survey is intended to give Toucan for Children a better understanding of the effect that the Covid-19 crisis has had on the mental health of children age 0-13 years in our local area. Your answers will help us plan our service provision and help us discuss the work we do with funders and supporters. This survey is intended to be anonymous. Please do not leave your name, your child's name or any identifiable information on this survey. We may publish the results of the survey, including the free text comments, our website, social media channels and in publications. Thank you very much for your help.
What role do you play in supporting children?
Parent/ Primary Carer
Family Member
Social Worker/Other Professional
Overall, how would you say that the Covid-19 crisis has affected the mental health of the children in your care?
A positive effect
No effect
A slight negative effect
A large negative effect
Have the children in your care experienced any of the following during the coronavirus crisis?
Not at all
Less than usual
About the same as usual
A bit more than usual
Much more than usual
Worries and anxiety about the future
Nightmares or trouble sleeping
Low mood or depression
Behavioural problems
Compared to before lockdown, how likely do you think the children in your care would benefit from therapeutic intervention, such as play therapy?
Less likely than before lockdown
Just as likely than before lockdown
More likely than before lockdown
How would you sum up the effect of the Covid-19 crisis on the children in your care?
Any further comments you have?
Thank you so very much for your help!
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