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Technical Requirements Summary:
Content Submission:
Title |
Subtitle |
Article |
30 characters maximum |
45 characters maximum |
3000 characters maximum
- The article banner image should be 1440 by 525 pixels (maximum).
- The images to be inserted in the articles should be 1000 x 525 pixels.
- At least one picture should be included in the article.
- All images should be of high quality: 300 dpi is suggested.
- At least one hyperlink is mandatory.
- You can add hyperlinks directly in the words of the text (SEO purposes).
- Hyperlinks in the text are best when they take the reader to a relevant page rather than the homepage.
- You can submit your videos with a YouTube/Vimeo link.
- Other formats (e.g. video from Facebook page or website) are not supported.
Social Media (optional):