Statistical Inference for Biology
To understand the impact of this training, we collect information about attitudes and skills related to the content after the training. Your responses are recorded anonymously.
Please give us some feedback about the overall training event.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
The amount of information covered was reasonable for the allotted time.
The overall atmosphere was welcoming.
I learned skills that I will be able to use in my work.
I would recommend this training to a friend or colleague.
The training was worth my time.
How did you perceive the pace of the training?
Too slow
Slightly slow
Just right
Slightly fast
How was the balance of lecture to hands-on work?
Too much lecture
Slightly too much lecture
Balanced (lecture / hands-on)
Slightly too much hands-on
Too much hands-on
Please select how you felt the instructors performed.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Instructors were enthusiastic.
Instructors were considerate.
Instructors were good communicators.
Instructors gave clear answers to your questions.
What is your level of confidence in doing the following tasks after the workshop?
Much worse
Somewhat worse
Unimproved - neither worse nor better
Much better
Define the term inference
Discriminate between a sample mean and the population mean
Describe how the central limit theorem applies to statistical inference
Use a t-test appropriately
What are the most important takeaways for you from this course?
What is one specific question you have about the material?
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Should be Empty: