binding upon me the registered RIDER, and the parents or legal guardians thereof if a minor, my heirs, estate, assigns, including all minor children, and personal representatives; and it shall be interpreted according to the laws of the state and county of Rock Bottom Horse Camp physical location. This agreement is intended to be valid and binding at all times now and in the future when Rock Bottom Horse Camp permits me (directly or indirectly) to enter THIS STABLE'S property, be on Rock Bottom Horse Camp property, be near any horse, receive instruction and / or guidance from its associates and / or when I ride and / or am near horses on or off of Rock Bottom Horse Camp's property. Any disputes by the rider shall be litigated in, and venue shall be the county in which Rock Bottom Horse Camp is physically located. If any clause, phrase, or word is in conflict with state law, then that single part is null and void. The terms "HORSE" and "EQUINE" herein shall refer to all equine species. The terms "I", "WE", "ME", "MY" shall herein refer to the above registered rider and the parents or legal guardians thereof if a minor.
conditions, and dangers are inherent in (meaning an integral part of) horse / equine / animal activities, regardless of all feasible safety measures which can be taken, and I agree to assume them. The inherent risks include, but are not limited to any of the following: The propensity of an animal to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, death, or loss to persons on or around the animal; The unpredictability of an equine's reaction to sounds, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects,
persons, or other animals; Hazards, including, but not limited to, surface or subsurface conditions;A
collision, encounter and / or confrontation with another equine, another animal, a person, or an object; The potential of an equine activity participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury, harm, death, or loss to the participant or to other persons, including but not limited to, failing to maintain control over an equine and / or failing to act within the ability of the participant. If a horse is frightened or provoked it may divert from its training and act according to its natural survival instincts which may include, but are not limited to: Stopping short; Spinning around; Changing directions and / or speed at will; Shifting its weight; Bucking; Rearing; Kicking; Biting; and / or Running from danger. I also acknowledge that these are just some of the risks and I agree to assume others not mentioned above. I am not relying on THIS STABLE to list all possible risks for
SOUNDS, AND MOVEMENTS WARNING: Rock Bottom Horse Camp is NOT responsible for total or
partial acts. Occurrences, or elements of nature and or sudden and or unfamiliar sights, sounds and/ or sudden movements that can scare a horse, cause it to fall, or react in some other unsafe way. SOME EXAMPLES ARE: Thunder, lightning, rain, wind, wild and domestic animals, sudden movements that can scare a horse, cause it to fall, or react in some other unsafe way. SOME EXAMPLES ARE: Thunder, lightning, rain, wind, wild and domestic animals, insects, reptiles, which may walk run or fly near, or bite or sting a horse or person: and irregular footing on out-of-door groomed or wild land which is subject to constant change in condition according to weather, temperature, and natural and man-made changes in landscape. I also understand that these are just some of the risks and I agree to assume conditions according to weather, temperature, and natural and man-made changes in landscape. I also understand that these are just some of the risks and I agree to assume others not mentioned above. I am not relying on Rock Bottom Horse Camp to list all possible conditions for me. The Rider and parent or legal guardian have inspected Rock Bottom Horse Camp's facilities and I/WE are satisfied that all premise conditions are reasonably safe for this Rider's intended purpose, usage and presence upon Rock Bottom Horse Camp premises.
E. LIABILITY RELEASE AGREEMENT: In consideration of Rock Bottom Horse Camp permitted my
participation in this equine/camping related activity, under the terms set forth herein, I, the previously acknowledged Rider, or on behalf or my child and or legal ward, heirs, administrators, personal representatives or assigns, do agree to release and discharge Rock Bottom Horse Camp, its owners, agents, employees, officers, directors, representatives, assigns, members, owners of