CCD Treatment Plan Generator [Training Mode]
Warning: This training mode is not HIPAA compliant. Do not enter real client data.
Client Name (Disabled for Training Mode)
First Name
Last Name
Client DOB (Disabled for Training Mode)
Clinician Name
First Name
Last Name
Presenting Problems
A few bullet points with general categories for complaints from caregivers. Consider functioning in the three domains of Home, School, and Social.
Please Select
Adj Disorder Unspecified F43.20
Adj Disorder with Anxiety F43.22
Adj Disorder with Depressed Mood F43.21
Adj Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood F43.23
Adj Disorder with Disturbance of Conduct F43.24
Adj Disorder with Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct F43.25
Generalized Anxiety Disorder F41.1
Separation Anxiety Disorder F93.0
Social Anxiety F40.10
Selective Mutism F94.0
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder F34.8
PTSD F43.10
Acute Stress Disorder F43.0
Major Depressive Disorder Single Mild F32.0
Major Depressive Disorder Single Moderate F32.1
Major Depressive Disorder Single Severe F32.2
Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Mild F33.0
Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate F33.1
Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Severe F33.2
This drop-down menu includes commonly used diagnoses for child practices. This is not a comprehensive list.
Diagnosis Description
Describe the diagnostic criteria that applies to the client.
Long-Term Treatment Goal
This is a general long-term goal. Ask the caregiver, "What would it be like if your child didn't need therapy any more?"
Refer to
Diagnosis Reference Table for CCD
for creating Symptom Objectives.
Short-Term Symptom Objectives
Growth Objectives
---------- INTERNAL ----------
Increase internal sense of self
Increase internal sense of safety
Improve ability to make decisions and self-agency
Increase self-regulation
Increase experiences of co-regulation
Increase self-control and impulse control
Increase self-advocacy
Increase ability to self-soothe
Increase frustration tolerance
Increase flexibility and problem solving
Improve capacity for and utilization of coping skills
Increase self-awareness related to thoughts/feelings/behaviors
Increase awareness and verbalization of thoughts/feelings/experiences/needs
Increase body awareness and interception
Increase window of tolerance for uncomfortable emotions and experiences
Improve ability to recognize/identify/label/learn/communicate/ negative/positive feelings
Improve ability to use symbol to express self
Process and integrate neurodivergent experiences
Process and integrate traumatic experiences through play/art/symbolic expression
---------- SCHOOL ----------
Increase attention span/ability to complete tasks and engage in sustained play
Increase organization and executive function skills in play
---------- SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL ----------
Increase relational trust and safety
Increase ability to seek relational comfort
Increase social awareness
Increase social risk taking
Increase social/physical boundaries
Increase communication skills
Increase capacity for perspective taking
---------- DEVELOPMENTAL ----------
Improve abstract thinking (ability to see gray)
Improve relational play skills and capacity for reciprocal play and/or collaborative play
---------- CAREGIVER ----------
Increase trust in self as parent
Increase trust in self as parent to set limits and boundaries
Increase self-regulation relative to child’s behaviors
Increase capacity for co-regulation
Increase capacity to tolerate child’s emotions and needs
Increase capacity to respond and reflect child’s emotions and needs
Increase parental attunement to child’s emotions and needs
Process and integrate family-of-origin styles to shift parenting outlook
Process and integrate traumatic experiences through play/art/symbolic expression
Increase caregivers' ability to provide comfort
Clinician Signature
Email (for receiving treatment plan PDF)
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