- Renters agree to abide by the guidelines within this contract and those posted or communicated by Emmanuel Free Methodist Church.
- Renters accept reponsibility of communication and implementation of these guidelines to the participants and will follow through to ensure compliance.
- Renters are financially responsible for damage to Emmanuel property beyond normal wear and tear. Any damages associated with the guests (beyond normal wear and tear) will result in the forfeiture of deposit in addition to costs which may exceed the deposited amount.
- Please do not move furniture without permission. Please- No Pets.
- An Emmanuel host will be available during your event.
- The use of alcohol, smoking, and non-prescription drugs is strictly prohibited. Violation will be cause for immediate dismissal without refund or contractual obligation. Possession and/or use of any weapons, firearms, or fireworks is strictly prohibited.
- Attendees are the responsibility of the renter. Emmanuel does not act in loco parentis to any guests attending under this contract.
- Renters are responsible to provide their own First Aid, Emergency Care, Emergency Transportation, and First Aid kits for minor injuries. Emmanuel recommends that the renter secure an individual(s) that is CPR and First Aid Certified by the America Red Cross, or equivalent.
- Emmanuel is not responsible for injuries or health concerns which may occur as a result of facility usage.
- Celebrating with birdseed or other “messy” substance is prohibited.
- Renters are responsible for any decorating or setting up ahead of time. After the wedding, renters will be responsible for removing any items you brought in and returning items that belong to the church to their original locations. Resetting the facility, following your event, must be completed prior to leaving for the reception.
- Emmanuel does not permit use of its property for purposes of any ceremony, behavior or union which is inconsistent with the Free Methodist Church Discipline and the Holy Scriptures. Use of facilities and grounds for such purposes is not allowed.
- Weddings must be cleared ahead of time with the pastoral staff, follow the stipulations regarding premarital counseling and other requirements.
- Individuals renting for personal or event usage are expected to secure "Event Coverage" with a local insurance provider of their choice. Groups and Organizations are expected to secure Emmanuel Free Methodist Church as an "Additional Insured" to their institutions insurance policy for the dates agree upon in this contract.
I recognize that certain hazards and dangers are inherent in any gathering and I acknowledge that although Emmanuel has taken safety measures to minimize the risk of injury to participants, Emmanuel cannot insure nor guarantee that the participant’s equipment, premises and/or activities will be free from hazards, accidents, and/or injuries. I further recognize the importance of knowing and abiding by the Emmanuel’s rules, regulations, and procedures for the safety of activity participants.
I agree that, as the renter, I will assume full responsibility for volunteers and participants and hereby releases Emmanuel and hold harmless Emmanuel for any issues which may arise regarding background and d criminal history of volunteers or other participants associated with the event during the dates of participation.
In consideration of Emmanuel accepting and permitting our group to attend and participate in these activities , I agree to hold harmless, , indemnify and defend Emmanuel, a non-profit corporation, its agents, officers, employees, trustees and volunteers from any and all liability for injury, death, damage including, but not limited to, bodily injury, personal injury, emotional injury, or property damage which may result from any person using the above describe premises, it’s negligence of Emmanuel, its agents, officers, employees, trustees and volunteers or otherwise.
I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and I am under no mental or legal disability which would prevent me from signing and executing this agreement.