Thank you for your interest for our Youth Sessions. These sessions will be planned and delivered by a range of different professionals to best support young people with issues / challenges they maybe facing by promoting a safe space to explore through conversation.
Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic we have made several changes to the normal youth sessions to ensure everyone in attendance can participate safely. These changes are outlined below:
- All those attending will need to book in advance. We will not accept participants who turn up on the day without registering.
- Sessions are limited to a maximum of 20 participants. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. There will be opportunities to be added to a reserve list if sessions are fully booked
- Sessions will last for 2 hours, if a young person leaves a session they will not be able to return on the same night.
- Participants will need to socially distance during the session
- Participants must sign into each session and sanitise on entry, exit and throughout.
-Hand sanitizer will be provided
Any questions / concerns you may have can be raised to Stacey Holmes - Youth Hub Development Officer 07917200161
We thankyou for your understanding during this time of difficulty.