What service are you providing feedback about?
Experience and qualifications checking tool
Manual mapping of qualifications checking tool
Did the tool help you to understand whether you are eligible to apply for specialist family violence practitioner roles?
I have a better understanding but am still a bit confused
No, I don't understand
Did the tool help you to understand whether you have a related or equivalent qualification?
No, I have multiple qualifications and the results/information was confusing
No, the results/information was confusing
Did the tool help you to understand what level of further study you might need to undertake if you were employed via a pathway?
Yes, I'm clear on what's required
No, I'm still a bit confused
No, I'm still very confused
No, the tool didn't help at all
Did the manual mapping tool help you to understand whether you have a related or equivalent qualification?
What issues did you find while undertaking a manual mapping of your qualifications? (Select all that apply)
It took a long time to complete
I did not have access to the details of subjects/units to know if they covered an equivalency principle
My subjects/units only covered part of an equivalency principle
Parts of an equivalency principle were covered at different levels
I was not able to work out if study I have completed was accredited
Did the manual mapping tool help you to understand what level of further study you might need to undertake?
Yes, I'm clear on what's required
No, I'm still a bit confused
No, I'm still very confused
No, the tool didn't help at all
Please provide information about any issues, questions or comments here:
If you would like someone to contact you about your feedback, please provide your name and email address below.
First Name
Last Name
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