Thank you for shairng your 2023 SUPERLady Circle Nominee. For almost 10 years, our SUPERLady NetWORK has been committed to IMPACT and change and now benefits, expands and grows the mission of SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation. We look forward to getting to know your executive/admin leadHER nominee!
The integrity of this form and process is very important. Thank you, in advance, for sharing and introducing us to a woman who leads, serves and serves others well while upholding and living out the morals and values of a SUPERLady. Nominations Close: April 15, 2022
Nomination Type ...
a colleague
a mentee
Name of person who is making the nomination.
First Name
Last Name
Your Direct E-mail
Organization you represent.
Your Title/Position.
Your Organization's Website.
SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation
I am interested in learning more about mentorship
I am interested in serving on SGSF's board of diretcors
No additional information is needed at this time
Tell us about your 2023 SUPERLady Nominee.
Who is she and how does she SHINE? Where and with whom does she make her greatest IMPACT? How long have you known her? In what capacity have you experienced her leadHERship? If you were sharing an introduction about her, what would be the first line you would say and why?
Nominee's Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Nominee's Direct Email
Known Nominee Credentials
College Degree
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Industry Professional Certifications
Nominee's Organization/Business
Nominee's Direct Contact Number
Nominee's Title/Position
Nominee's LinkedIn Profile
How long have you known your nominee?
1 year
2-4 years
5 years
6-8 years
9 years
10 or more years
In what capacity have you known your nominee?
Direct supervisor
Linear Colleague
Industry Colleague
Serves on board or committee together
I'm her husband
She's my mom
Nominee's City
Specifically, which industry does your nominee SHINE in. (Check all that apply)
Advanced Manufacturing
Business Development
Buisness Ownership
Digital Technology
Foreign Affairs
Government Policies/Politics
Law Enforcement
Life Science/Research
Media: TV, Print, Film
Trade - Transportation
Who is she and how does she SHINE?
Where and with whom does she make her greatest IMPACT?
In what capacity have you experienced her leadHERship?
If you were sharing an introduction about her, what would be the first line you would say and why?
What additional successes (small or large - would you like to share)?
Please provide links to pictures, articles, features or files that support the nominee’s story/IMPACT
Thank you for your time and care in this process. Please Save the Date - Nov 3, 2022; 2023 SUPERLady Soirée and be sure to connect with us and become engaged @SUPERLadyNetWORK on LinkedIn, IG and Facebook!
We hope to see you soon and do stay safe!
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