As a parent/legal guardian of type child's name*, I have reviewed the information about the event, and give permission for the subject of this release to be involved I the overall activities.I/We have reviewed the rules of the activities and agree that the subject of this release will abide by them. I/We also acknowledge that if the subject of the release must return home early for discipline violations, it will be at my/our expense.I/We understand all reasonable safety precautions will be always taken by Southern Calvert Baptist Church and its agents during the events and activities. I/We authorize any treatment by an accredited hospital and/or physician deemed necessary for the subject of the release in case of an emergency.I/We understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk. I/We agree not to hold Southern Calvert Baptist Church, its leaders, employees, and volunteer staff liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the subject of this form.
1. I understand that my child/children may participate in physical activities. As with any physical activity, there is risk of injury. I fully accept this risk and hold harmless from any legal liability, Southern Calvert Baptist Church and any persons involved in the Southern Calvert Baptist Church.
2. In the event of an emergency that requires medical treatkent for the above named child/children, I understand every effort will be made to contact me or my emergency contact. However, if I/we cannot be reached, I give my permission to the volunteers to secure the services of a licensed physician to provide the care necessary for my child's well-being. I assume responsibilty for all costs connected to any incident or treatment of my child.
3. I grant permission for a photo of my child to be taken and used by Southern Calvert Baptist Church. I also give permission for photo(s)/video(s) of my child to appear among other general photos, videos, and social media as long as there is no identyfing information shown.
4. I understand the only individuals allowed to pick up the children listed on this form must be over the age of 18 and listed on the registration form.
Southern Calvert Baptist Church will be excercising current health guidelines and safety protocols to maintain a helathy environment for the students. Leaders at Southern Calvert Baptist Church will be trained in our latest procedures, emergency plans, child safety and security. Parents and guardians are the first line of defense when it comes to the overall health of the students. Pelase keep the children at home if they are not feeling well, have a fever, cold symptoms (runny nose, cough, nausea, etc.) or if an immediate family member is experiencing signs of illness.
My child(ren) agree to keep all cell phones or personal items stowed away. Items from home such as toys, stuffed animals, cell phones, ear pods and any other electric devices are not allowed during the event.
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