All staff, leaders and volunteers participating in children's programs and events at WVC are responsible for keeping a professional role with children. This includes establishing and maintaining clear boundaries which serve to protect everyone from misunderstandings. We have adopted this Code of Conduct Declaration and WVC Child Safe Policy (and procedures) which sets out the behaviour expected which WVC expects from all people associated with or representing it.
Following this Code of Conduct will help to protect children and vulnerable people from abuse and inappropriate behaviour from adults. It will also help staff, leaders and volunteers to maintain the standard of behaviour expected of them. Having a Code of Conduct that everyone adheres to also protects WVC because opportunities for harm are actively reduced.
Upholding this code of conduct
WVC condemns all forms of child abuse, discrimination and sexual exploitation. We are committed to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes safety for people involved in our programs including all children, people with a disability, people from a CALD background and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
All staff, leaders and volunteers are expected to report any breaches of this Code of Conduct and the WVC Child Safe Policy (and procedures) to the pastor and Child Safe Leader in accordance with the procedures set out in this Child Safe Policy.
Should the senior pastor or Child Safe Leader be suspected of misconduct with a child the situation will be reported to the Board secretary and appropriate procedures followed.
Staff, leaders and volunteers who breach this Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary procedures.
All allegations of child abuse will be reported to statutory authorities, such as police or child protection.