Complete the form. Make payment by credit card or check. You will immediately receive a confirmation email and a follow-up email a few weeks before class with all the necessary details. Student ID will be required for verification purposes.
First come, first serve. 4 students per form; complete additional forms if necessary.
NOTE: Students must have a current Light Duty certificate to attend. Successful completion of the light duty course is a prerequisite for attending medium duty.
Attending the medium duty class is required in order to take the heavy duty class.
Mailing: T.R.A.W., P.O. Box 25174, Seattle, WA 98165 - Fax: (206) 364-3111
Questions? Call Emily Wade, AD - Cell: 206-446-5960 or Office: (206) 532-5076
Contact email:
Registration email:
Malaga Fire/Wenatchee area
Medium Duty only: September 20th & 21st
Medium & Heavy Duty Combo:
September 20th & 21st & 22nd
T.R.A.W. Members:
Medium Duty Class - $330
Medium & Heavy Duty Combo - $455
Non- Members:
Medium Duty Class - $475
Medium & Heavy Duty Combo - $600