ConEx University General Member Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Your responses to the questions below will be used to develop the upcoming and future ConEx University calendar.
Company Name
Name of Person Completing Survey
First Name
Last Name
For each topic listed on the left, please indicate your preference for having the topic on the University Calendar and if you'd like to see it offered annually.
YES! Get this on the calendar ASAP!
Offer this Annually
NO, this topic is not relevant to us.
Accounting & Cost Projecting
WMBE Certification
Proposals & Bids
Employment Laws
Recruiting & Retention
Business Branding (marketing)
CONEX Careers Website
Mechanics Liens
Surety Bonds
Change Orders & Avoidance
Data & Technology Security
Insurance Related
Prevailing Wage
HR Related
Legal Related
Supervisory Skills
What other topics NOT listed above would you be interested in?
What time of day is best for attending a class?
Please Select
AM (8:30-10)
Midday/Lunch (11am-1pm)
PM (3-5)
Anytime if the topic is right!
Which format is most conducive?
Please Select
If the topic is right, it doesn't matter!
Below, please provide the names and contact information of those who should receive training information.
Contact Name (First & Last)
Contact Email
Person #1
Person #2
Person #3
Person #4
Would you or your colleagues be willing to give a presentation to members?
If you answered YES to the question above, please provide the person(s) contact information below and the potential topics.
Below, please provide any additional comments, suggestions and/or feedback.
Should be Empty: