Grant opportunities:
1. $250 Season Kickoff Event Grant: Hold at least one type of promotional/educational event to promote JTT in your area. The event is for parents, coaches, pros, providers, etc. to come ask questions and learn more about Junior Team Tennis. Please provide a signup sheet and pictures from your great event.
2. $250 New Program Grant: This grant is for areas that did not have JTT programs before the 2022 championship year. You qualify for this grant if you offer a new program (Fall, Spring, Summer) with a minimum of two divisions and a minimum of 2 teams in the division.
3. $250 New Season Grant: This grant is for areas that have established leagues. You qualify for this grant if you offer a new season (Fall, Spring, Summer) with a minimum of two divisions and a minimum of 2 teams in the division, that has not been offered before.
You may apply for more than one grant that your eligible for.