A little reading before we get to the results.
Equality, Mutuality & Reciprocity... These are the three must-haves for healthy relationships.
Whether the relationship in question is with your partner (most important), your parent, sibling, or adult children, these three things must be present or you are going to have pain, distress, stress, and resentment. Not good ingredients for a relationship you want to stay in, right?
If you cannot develop, grow, or deepen these three must-haves, or only one person in the relationship wants to, you have big things to think about and big decisions to make. You’ll especially have to think this through if you have children who are watching your relationship …and learning about who they are, how to have a relationship, and what it means to be a man or woman in one!
These foundations underlie every conversation you are likely to have in and about your relationship, too. They are that basic.
Yet, often, you’re so busy with the day-to-day incidents and must-do’s that they go unaddressed. Too big. Too pervasive. Maybe, too daunting to talk about?
Want to know more about these three must-haves? Listen to/watch my podcast episode on the topic here.
I hope you’ll see the value of considering your relationships in light of these relationship must-haves, and take the time to delve deeply into what is present in your relationship, what you’re enabling in your relationship, and what you’re settling for.