3. Bleeding/Bruising: It is possible, though unusual, to have a bleeding episode from a Kybella injection. Bruising in soft tissues may occur. Should you develop post-injection bleeding, it may require emergency treatment or surgery. Aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, platelet inhibitors, anticoagulants, Vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, and other "herbs / homeopathic remedies may contribute to a greater risk of a bleeding problem. Do not take these for 10 days before or after Kybella injections.
4. Nerve Injury: Although rare, Kybella injections can cause nerve injury in the area injected resulting in uneveness smile or muscle weakness. In clinical trials, these symptoms resolved without treatment in an average of six weeks. Tell your provider if you develop signs of nerve paresis (e.g., asymmetry, muscle weakness), difficulty swallowing, or if any existing symptom worsens.
5. Difficulty Swallowing: Although unlikely, Kybella® injections can temporarily cause difficulty swallowing. Tell your provider if you have any pre-existing conditions affecting your swallowing or if you havehistory of difficulty swallowing before your treatment. If you experience problems swallowing after your treatment, notify your provider immediately.
6. Skin Ulcerations and Necrosis: Although rare, Kybella® injections may sometimes cause open sores (ulcers), deep tissue damage, and tissue cell-death (necrosis) around the injection site. Should any of these complications occur, additional treatment or surgery may be required and could result in permanent scarring.
7. Hair Loss (Alopecia): In rare occurrences, Kybella® injections can cause small patches of hair loss in the treatment area. The hair on a man's beard can potentially experience permanent patches of hair loss.
8. Damage to Deeper Structures: Deeper body structures such as nerves, blood vessels, and muscles may be inadvertenly damaged during treatment with aesthetic injectables. The potential for this to occur varies according to where the treatment is being performed. Injury to deeper structures may be temporary or permanent.
9.Skin Hardening: On rare occasions, skin hardness may occur in the treatment area. This is temporary and should resolve within a few days.
10. Drug Interactions: Please advise your provider prior to undergoing treatment of any medications, antibiotics, herbs, or supplements you are taking, as they may interfere with the ability of the aesthetic injectables to function. It is not recommended that you undergo this treatment if you are on blood thinners for any reason, including bleeding disorders.
11. Pregnancy and Nursing Mothers: It is not recommended that pregnant women or nursing mothers receive Kybella® treatments.
12. Allergic Reactions: In rare cases, allergic reactions to Kybella® have occurred. Kybella® injections should not be with history of multiple severe allergies, manifested by a history of anaphylaxis or allergy to gram-positive bacterial proteins. Lidocaine, a pain reliever used in many doctor's and dentists' offices, is an ingredient in many injectables. Tell your provider if you have an allergy to lidocaine or other allergies.
13. Previous or Planned Surgeries: Tell your treatment provider about all past or planned surgeries and treatments of the: face, neck, or chin as these could affect the effectiveness and safety of Kybella®.
This list is not meant to be inclusive of all possible risks associated with Kybella®, as there are both known- and unknown-side effects associated with any medication or procedure.